A range of beautiful scatter cushions displayed and sold by pod & Pip

How to style with scatter cushions

How to style with scatter cushions

Cushions are a great way to add some simple styling to a room whether a sitting room, bedroom or even a bench down a hallway. They immediately soften an area, add colour, texture and even structure and can easily be changed to update and compliment the seasons.   So what are the things to think about when choosing cushions?

The most obvious consideration is the colour. The colour either needs to tone in subtley with the rest of the room interior or to add some colour to lift a space. A patterned cushion instantly adds interest against a plain sofa or bed cover, don’t be scared to add some pattern!

It’s also important to think about textures, adding cushions with a mix of different textures and materials adds depth and another dimension such as tweeds and velvets.

The size of the cushion is also important to think about and whether it fits or overfills a space or even looks disproportinaltely too small.

And finally different shaped cushions can work well too together. A jumble of different sizes and shapes, or neatly stacked squares and rectangle cusions can be an eye catching way to style too.

Published: February 2022

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