Pod & Pip's range of baskets and blankets, ready for autumn and winter

A case for Baskets

A case for Baskets

Who doesn't love a basket! Coming in all shapes and sizes they are the perfect way to tidy, display, store and carry all sorts of goodies. They can also add structure and texture to a room too. Our lovely range of baskets can be put to so many good uses in a number of rooms or even outside!

Keep it Tidy - large baskets are perfect to keep unruly piles of shoes and trainers neat and tidy, or an easy way to tidy toys for kids rooms or to keep all those winter gloves in so they can be found or even an umbrella stand!

Plant it up - baskets are a great and often softer looking alternative to a plant pot and can be used inside or out, even the Christmas tree can look great it a basket to add the finishing touches.

Stying secrets  - great to accessorise a room or a neglected corner they can be filled with cushions and blankets to add some colour, texture and interest to a gloomy space. A simple way to help style the bathroom or downstairs loo, just pop toiletries or towels in a smaller basket to display with style.

Practical - then there is the good old log basket, perfectly sturdy making it easy to lift and carry logs for winter and which also looks good at the fireside.

Find it - a great way to keep all your utility room cleaning products all together and keep the labels hidden from sight so you just see a basket, or your spice jars in the kitchen contained in one basket so they are easy to spot.

Published: September 2022

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